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What is React?

What is React

React is a flexible and efficient open source front-end JavaScript library which was developed by Jordan Walke, a software engineer from Facebook in 2011. It used for building user interfaces especially for single page applications. It is used for developing view layer of web and mobile apps. React was first deployed on Facebook’s News Feed in 2011 and later used in WhatsApp and Instagram.

What is the main advantage of ReactJS?

One of the most significant advantages of React. js is that its Document Object Model (DOM) is declarative. In other words, the UI is adjusted when developers change the app’s state when interacting with DOM. Because it uses the declarative approach, it’s generally easier to follow and understand the code

Easy creation of dynamic applications: React makes it easier to create dynamic web applications because it requires less coding and offers more functionality, as opposed to JavaScript, where coding often gets complex very quickly. Improved performance: React uses Virtual DOM, thereby creating web applications faster.

Is React backend or frontend?

No. React is a front-end JavaScript library. React is capable of making API calls (sending the request to the backend), which deal with the data. React cannot process the database or the data source itself.

What is ReactJS vs angular?

Angular is a Javascript framework built using Typescript, while Reactjs is a Javascript library and built using JSX. Angular is mostly used to build complex enterprise-grade apps like single-page apps and progressive web apps, while React is used to build UI components in any app with frequently variable data

Which language is used in React?


React components are typically written using JSX, although they do not have to be (components may also be written in pure JavaScript).

Is React easy to learn?

Both HTML and CSS are integral to any web development project. If you have these skills already, then learning React should be a relatively straightforward process. It has its own unique set of challenges, but it is an excellent tool to have in order to start or further your career as a web developer.

About UI Development Training in Marathahalli

UI (User Interface) development is a web technology, which provides a complete UI solution to the end user. The main user-friendly aspects of UI development are like website look, speed, and behavior. A UI developer is responsible for both website design and development. As this is the highest paid job in the current market let’s dive into UI development training in marathahalli. This course consists of many major trending topics. Here are few mentioned for a better understanding of what you will learn if you are opting for the course


Introduction HTML/HTML5
HTML Elements
HTML Attributes
HTML all Tags
HTML Forms
HTML Frames / Iframes
HTML5 New Elements
HTML5 Video
HTML5 Audio
HTML5 Canvas/SVG


CSS/CSS3 Introduction
CSS Syntax
CSS Id & Class
CSS Styling
CSS Box Model
CSS Border
CSS Padding
CSS Advanced
CSS Image Gallery
CSS Align
CSS Positioning/Floating
CSS Navigation Bar


Introduction to Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System
Creating Layouts
Bootstrap CSS
CSS Customization / Skins
Responsive Web design with Bootstrap
Bootstrap Plug-ins
Bootstrap Layout Components :
Building Websites with Bootstrap


Introduction to client side scripting
JS Basics
JS Events
JS Objects
JS User Defined Functions
JS Validations using Object Functions
JS Validations using Regular Expressions
JS Document Object Model
JS Browser Object Model 
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